This article covers setting up sub-menus within the navigational system.
Topics included here:
- What are sub-menus?
- How do I add a sub-menu?
- Account sub-menus
- Footer sub-menus
- Saving and publishing menus
What are sub-menus?
Sub-menus, often referred to as drawers, are second-level menu categories that sit inside primary menus. Sub-menu items can't exist without a primary menu item.
You can add multiple primary menu and sub-menu items to your header. The account and footer navigation areas, however, can only have one primary menu item (and its associated sub-menus).
The example below shows sub-menu items - including menu content - within the Home primary menu item.
Note: Support for displaying menu content may differ across devices.
How do I add a sub-menu?
The steps outlined below relate to creating sub-headers in the Header menu area. The process is similar for other navigation areas (see Other sub-menus, below).
To get started, navigate to DISPLAY and select Menus.
- Before adding menu details, ensure you have the required variant selected.
2. Select an existing or create a new primary menu item using the button. Learn how to create a primary menu item.
3. Select an existing or create a new sub-menu item using the button. The Specify Details icon is displayed, with fields below.
4. Enter information into the relevant fields:
- Group heading (optional): If specified, a heading is displayed at the top of the sub-menu.
- Sub-menu items: Define the sub-menu options here:
- Enter label (mandatory): This is what users will see as the menu item in their app. As you type in the text field, prompts appear based on matching letter sequences from your published pages. Your label doesn't need to be one of these - feel free to choose something different.
- Enter destination (optional): Specify a page URL destination here. This can be a path within the app's published pages, or an external URL (which must be a full URL, e.g.,
- Icon: Define an icon to display for this menu item. This is an optional field (only mandatory for the mobile navigation bar) and set to No icon by default.
Sub-menu items defined within the same sub-menu tab are grouped together. To add more sub-menu groups, click the button.
As you edit, if there are unsaved changes in any of the pages, the modified label is displayed in the left-hand navigation. |
Other sub-menus
Sub-menus can also be added for the Account and Footer navigation areas - see below for more information on these. These are configured in the same way as described above for the header.
Account sub-menus
Minimum version requirements: For the following functionality, you must be using AXIS 9.2 (or above.)
Once signed in, your users can access and modify information related to their subscription (e.g., payment details) in the top right-hand corner of the app.
In the example below, the icon contains sub-menu item links to My Account, Recently Watched, Bookmarks, Following, My Downloads, and Sign out. Each of these menu items links out to a page in the application as specified in the destination field.
In the example below you can see how these sub-menu items are configured in Presentation Manager:
Footer sub-menus
The Footer is typically used to contain sub-menu items such as About (company information), terms & conditions, and the privacy policy.
Example sub-menu configuration for these fields is shown below.
Saving and publishing menus
By clicking the button, the sub-menu items are made visible to your end-users to view and interact with.
Need to make additional changes before going live?
No problem, save your sub-menus without publishing by selecting the More button, followed by Save. This action saves your changes but your menu items remain in a draft state.