This article explains how to upload and manage images for assets, links, lists, and channels.
We cover the following topics here:
- Uploading new images
- Changing asset thumbnails
- Cropping and adjusting images
- Dimensions and file size
- Imagery and pixel resolutions
- Resolution warnings
- Confirm upload
- Changing the active image
- Viewing and managing images
- Adding image language options
Uploading new images
Images are at the heart of users' interaction with your apps and are also key to content discovery. In AXIS, add images in a variety of formats for your assets, channels, links, and lists.
The upload process is similar for each of the content types. To get started, navigate to the relevant location in Presentation Manager:
- To add images to an asset, channel, or link, go to the Assets menu and then select either Items, Channels, or Links, as required.
- To add images to a list, go to the Display menu, find the list, and then select Images in the left-hand navigation menu.
Search for and select the content that you want to add an image to, then select Images in the left-hand navigation menu.
To add an image:
- Either select the
link in the top right-hand side, or select a pre-defined size template from the options provided on the page — the options will vary depending on the content type. Hover over a template to see the image dimensions.
2. Drag and drop the image file into the Add Images pane, or select to open your computer's file explorer and navigate to the image you want to upload.
- The maximum data size for an image(s) upload is 10MB and the maximum dimensions are 3840 x 2160 pixels (4K). For details on pixel resolutions, see the Imagery and pixel resolutions section.
- Supported image formats are .jpeg, .png, .bmp, and .tiff.
- If an image is cropped, the data size is the total size of the cropped image, not the original image file size. The size of a cropped image depends on the image format and the dimensions of the image.
- To avoid bandwidth issues, for general imagery, we recommend .jpeg files (unless your Reference Apps display .png images), and for baked text or logos, we recommend .png files.
- For any assets without a specified thumbnail image, a placeholder image displays default.
Once uploaded, the selected image is displayed in the preview area - multiple image uploads are supported. AXIS detects the image size and automatically selects the appropriate image type (or makes a best guess based on the ratio of the uploaded image). A green dashed outline is visible around the outer edge of the image. This represents the bounding box of the pre-selected image type.
To add more images, drag and drop or select the To add more, drag & drop or choose images link.
Changing asset thumbnails
Change asset thumbnails for Channels, Links, and Assets (introduced in AXIS 9.9):
The default thumbnail placeholder image is as follows:
To change the asset's thumbnail:
- Hover over the thumbnail to display the edit icon.
- Select the edit icon to choose a new thumbnail image.
Cropping and adjusting images
Changing the selected image type usually results in your image being cropped.
If you need to change the pre-selected option, use the dropdown to select a different size template, then reposition your image as needed.
The lighter portion of the image represents the area within the selected image dimensions, while the darker area will be cropped when you upload.
Note: As of AXIS Presentation Manager 9.9, when uploading and cropping multiple images, Presentation Manager retains the image cropped state when switching to another image.
Dimensions and file size
The dimensions indicator and file and cropped image data indicator both display beneath the image preview.
Image metadata is included in the cropped image data, which can cause cropped images to have a larger file size than the original image.
Imagery and pixel resolutions
This section details the image type and the pixel resolution.
Images scale automatically, but we recommend using the documented pixel resolution below for optimized image quality.
Image type | Pixel resolution |
2:3 Poster | 720 x 1080 px |
16:9 Tile | 1024 x 576 px |
4:3 Block | 1200 x 900 px |
16:9 Wallpaper | 1920 x 1080 px |
2:3 Poster Wallpaper | 720 x 1080 px |
1:1 Square | 1024 x 1024 px |
3:1 Hero | 1920 x 640 px |
4:3 Hero Block | 1200 x 900 px |
7:1 Banner | 1920 x 274 px |
1:2 Tall | 600 x 1200 px |
2:1 Wide | 1800 x 900 px |
Branded Title | Any x Any (sales to fill given area) |
Badge | Any x Any (scales to fill given area) |
Logo | Any x Any (scales to fill given area) |
Custom | Any x Any (scales to fill given area) For full-width TVs in full HD, we recommend images with 1920 x 1080 px. |
Resolution warnings
If choosing an image size template results in a warning icon, it means the uploaded image doesn't conform to the original image template. If you ignore the resolution warning and upload the image, this reduces the image quality. The selected image isn't at the optimum resolution for the chosen image size, resulting in poor quality app imagery.
Confirm upload
When you're happy with your uploaded images, save your changes by selecting the Confirm Upload button.
If you select Cancel instead, the image is not uploaded and is deleted from the system.
Changing the active image
What is an active image?
The left-most image of any type is flagged as the active image. Indicated by the icon. If you only have one image of a type (say, 2:3 Poster) uploaded, it will be the active image by default. If you have more than one, then the left-most image — usually the first one uploaded — is active and is the one retrieved and displayed in users' apps.
Can I change the active image?
Yes, you can select a different active image if you have more than one of the same type uploaded. To do this:
- Hover over the image you want to activate and check the
- The selected image is now the active image of that type.
- The image order changes and the previous active image is now on the right.
Viewing and managing images
The image gallery displays all the images you've saved for the item. From here you can activate, view, crop, and delete your images.
To zoom in for a full-screen view of your image, hover over the image and select the icon. This opens the image in a new browser tab.
To delete an image, hover over the image and select the icon, then Confirm in the confirmation window.
When you've finished uploading or managing images, remember to save and update to apply your changes.
Adding image language options
Minimum version requirements: Multi-language image settings are available from AXIS 9.7 onwards.
Newly uploaded images are automatically set as the default image. From AXIS 9.7 onwards, show users different images depending on their language settings or location. This is particularly useful where you have images that incorporate text in different languages, or where there are specific regional requirements for the images displayed in user's apps.
Create image language options by setting up a separate image tab for each language you wish to add.
- Select the
next to the Default tab.
- Select a language from the list.
A new image tab page is created, labeled with the selected language. Upload images for this language option following the steps described earlier in this article. When the content is published, users are shown the image that corresponds to the language setting in their app.
Deleting image language options
If you decide you no longer need the additional language options for your images, they are easily removed. This works in the same way as for other types of variants. Simply select the arrow on the tab, followed by Delete. This deletes the language option and all the images it contains.
It's important to note that the Default tab can't be deleted.
Note: Creating a new language tab without uploading any images results in the tab being removed when saved.