This article covers the setup and management of segmentation tags in Presentation Manager.
- What are segmentation tags?
- The Segmentation Tags page
- How to create a new segmentation tag
- How to manage segmentation tags
- mtribes Tribes and segmentation tags
- How Tribes and segmentation tags are kept in sync
Minimum version requirements: Certain options, including the Show archived tags toggle, the ability to view the tag status, and the propagation of mtribes Tribes as segmentation tags, are available in AXIS 9.3 onwards.
What are segmentation tags?
Segmentation tags allow you to target content at specific groups of users, based, for example, on age, activity, behavioral analytics, or other shared characteristics that you identify. Create a tag for a sub-group, apply it to a row and easily direct the content of the row to that particular group, or segment, of users.
Note: Every segment requires some backend integration. The External ID is used to link the segmentation tag to an external source ID, which feeds in the relevant USER segment data.
The Segmentation Tags page
To create new, or to view or edit existing segmentation tags, navigate to the ADMIN menu and select Settings.
Note: This area of Presentation Manager is permission-based. Access to this functionality will depend on your role settings.
On the left-hand side of the screen, select the option Segmentation Tags.
Pre-existing segmentation tags display in rows separated by group, e.g., Activity or Age Group, and listed alphabetically.
By default, the Show archived tags toggle (AXIS 9.3 and above) at the top of the screen is switched off, and only live segmentation tags are shown. Switch the toggle on to include tags that have been archived. Archived tags can be identified by their grey color.
As well as Live and Archived, you can see other tag statuses on this page, for example, where there has been an error in deleting or archiving the tag.
A green tag with a hollow circle indicates a tag that's still in a draft state.
How do I create a new segmentation tag?
- Click the button
- Enter details into the relevant fields:
- Title (mandatory): Name your segmentation tag here, e.g., Trending Movies (30 character limit).
- Group (mandatory): Name your segmentation tag group here, e.g., Trending. Group segmentation tags belonging to the same category.
Either select an existing segmentation group from the list or enter text to search all groups. If your search doesn't identify an existing group, a create new group option is displayed.
- External ID (mandatory): This is a unique, externally-defined identifier, accepting any visible ASCII character (AXIS 9.3 onwards). The External ID links the segmentation tag to an external source ID (either a table or database which holds the users' data.)
- Description: This is a free text field; describe your segmentation tag here (1024 character limit.)
3. To save, click the button.
Note: On save, the newly-created segmentation tag and group both have a Live status and are available to use in Presentation Manager.
How do I manage segmentation tags?
There are two ways to access segmentation tag functions:
1. Hover over a tag to display the options arrow . From here you can select to edit, archive (AXIS 9.3 onwards), or delete the tag. The Edit option will open the Edit Segmentation Tag page - see below.
Note: The delete action cannot be undone.
2. Click on a segmentation tag title to open the Edit Segmentation Tag page. Here you can modify existing segmentation tag information, view the status and last modified information, and perform further actions.
Edit a segmentation tag
- Update the information in the relevant fields:
2. Click the button to save changes.
Alternatively select the More menu for additional options to archive (AXIS 9.3) or delete the tag.
Your segmentation tags are now available to use within Presentation Manager.
mtribes Tribes and segmentation tags
In AXIS 9.3 onwards, Tribes created in mtribes automatically appear in Presentation Manager as segmentation tags, ready to be used.
How does this work?
A Tribe is an audience group created in a linked mtribes Space.
When a Tribe is created in a Space with a corresponding AXIS environment, it's added to Presentation Manager as a segmentation tag. The tag will appear within an mtribes group, and will be automatically available for use.
If there's no pre-existing mtribes segmentation tag group in Presentation Manager, then one will be created.
If there's an existing mtribes group, but no matching external ID, then the tag will be added to the existing mtribes group.
The tag will have the following values:
- Title: This will be the title of the Tribe
- Group: mtribes
- External ID: This will be formulated using the Tribe ID, with the prefix mt_. I.e.: mt_{Tribe ID}
The mtribes group of tags appears on the page alongside your other segmentation groups.
Note: The ingestion and update process between mtribes and AXIS happens automatically every 5 minutes.
How Tribes and segmentation tags are kept in sync
If a segmentation tag is archived in Presentation Manager, but the corresponding Tribe (i.e. with the same external ID) is still active in mtribes, then the segmentation tag will be unarchived and automatically made live once more.
If the title of a Tribe is updated in mtribes, then the title of the segmentation tag will be automatically updated to match the mtribes title.
If a Tribe is deleted in mtribes, then what happens to the corresponding segmentation tag depends on whether it's in use in any configuration in AXIS, e.g. if it's being actively used for targeting.
- If it's not in use, the segmentation tag will be deleted when the Tribe is deleted.
- If it's in use, then the segmentation tag will be archived.
Want to find out more about mtribes? The mtribes help centre is a great place to start.