Assets are your catalog of video and non-video content. Each asset contains metadata (including images), offers, and an internal reference to a video file if applicable.
AXIS supports multiple asset types that display in rows in the Reference Apps. How they display will depend on the available metadata, the selected row type and how it's configured, and the user’s app.
In this article:
What are Show assets?
Show assets are an entertainment asset type. They can be related to your season assets - where a TV show consists of multiple seasons - as well as your episode assets, which usually make up the parts of the season. Shows are represented by the icon in Presentation Manager.
Show assets in rows:
Display show assets in rows throughout your apps. How they display depends on the asset's metadata, images, and the row type that it's part of. In the following example, the Game of Thrones show asset displays as a thumbnail, with its title and short description overlaid below:
Clicking on one of these show assets in your app redirects you to its item detail page.
Note: These item detail pages are one-to-many, meaning their layout and design persist across all assets of that type.
Item detail page
When users select a TV show offered in your apps, they redirect to the show detail page. This page allows users to watch, buy, or download episodes of this show asset, view more metadata information, and see related content.
Select a tab below to see how your users might interact with the show detail page across different apps:
The show detail page for the web displays the wallpaper and branded title images attached to the asset in Presentation Manager, a CTA button for watching or buying this show asset, and a description of the show taken from the asset metadata. Users have the option of adding this asset to their bookmarks or giving it a star rating.
Below this, users can select the show's season and choose a specific episode to watch.
Add optional content rows to display any related titles attached to the show asset, the show's cast and crew, and any additional metadata information found on the asset.
The show detail page for TV apps displays the wallpaper and branded title images attached to the asset in Presentation Manager, a CTA button for watching or buying this show asset, and a description of the show taken from the asset metadata. Users have the option of adding this asset to their bookmarks or giving it a star rating.
Below this, users can select the show's season and chose a specific episode to watch.
Add optional content rows to display any related titles attached to the show asset, the show's cast and crew, and any additional metadata information found on the asset.
The show detail page for mobile displays the wallpaper and branded title images attached to the asset in Presentation Manager, a CTA button for watching or buying this show asset, and a description of the show taken from the asset's metadata. Users have the option of adding this asset to their bookmarks or giving it a star rating.
Below this, users can select the show's season and chose a specific episode to watch.
Add optional content rows to display any related titles attached to the show asset, the show's cast and crew, and any additional metadata information found on the asset.
The show detail page for tablet & iPad displays the wallpaper and branded title images attached to the asset in Presentation Manager, a CTA button for watching or buying this show asset, and a description of the show taken from the asset's metadata. Users have the option of adding this asset to their bookmarks or giving it a star rating.
Below this, users can select the show's season and chose a specific episode to watch.
Add optional content rows to display any related titles attached to the show asset, the show's cast and crew, and any additional metadata information found on the asset.