This article covers global offers, their set-up, and how to define them at asset level.
Topics covered here:
- What are global offers?
- How are offers added to assets?
- How do I create a new global offer?
- How do I apply a global offer to an asset?
The diagram below illustrates how rules, assets, users, and user groups interlink, but let's focus primarily on rules and global offers.
Have a look at our rules infographic for an illustration of how rules are applied to give users access to content through subscription entitlements.
Note: Deals and offers are usually ingested or set up by the backend team on a per-project basis.
What are global offers?
Global offers are groups of reusable offers that can be manually applied to individual assets. They tend to be used for one-off overrides such as seasonal content like Christmas promotions.
Note: Global offers should only be used in cases where applying automatic deal offers during ingestion is not possible.
How are offers added to assets?
- Initial offers inherited at ingestion from the deal the asset is associated with.
- From custom offers, which are defined directly at asset-level.
- From global offers referenced at asset-level.
Initial offers are the most typical template through which offers are applied to assets.
Configuring global offers
Within Presentation Manager, Rules group together three subsections; deals, global offers, and plans. Selecting global offers displays offer templates.
How do I create a new global offer?
First you need to create an offer template. This will group the offers you're going to add.
Once you've done that you can create and configure your offer(s), e.g., free, subscription, EST, rental, or coming soon.
- Select the
- Enter an offer template title.
- Select the Specify absolute dates for offer template period checkbox (an absolute date is a fixed date and time, independent of other set dates in the system.)
- Click the
- Define offer types included in the global offer template. Read our related article to learn about offer types.
Global offers exist within the offer catalog. Applying a global offer to an asset must be done at the asset level.
How do I apply a global offer to an asset?
When viewing an offerable asset in Presentation Manager (Assets→Items), click on the Offers tab to see offer information such as the offer schedule, the associated deal, and the asset's offers.
At the bottom of the page, you have the option to either Add a custom offer or Add a global offer. (Our Offers article has more information about adding custom offers).
- To bring up existing global offers, enter the title or simply start typing into the Add a global offer... field.
- Select the required global offer
- The offer is added to the asset underneath the existing deal
- Save and update to apply the changes
In order for the global offer to be available in your apps, you'll need to instantiate it, by selecting this option from the asset menu.