This page provides some quick tips and suggestions for setting up a detail page for your team or sports persona (athlete) assets. Visit our team and persona detail page articles for more information about these page types.
It's important to note that asset relations must first exist between the asset types you want to display on your page automatically.
For example, to dynamically display events that a team is involved in, your team and event asset types must be linked by an asset relation. To learn more about how these are set up, check out our asset relations article.
Step by step
1. Create the header row
To begin building your page, add a hero (header) row and display asset metadata such as sport, country or gender, alongside the team logo. For signed-in users, the header row will also show if they're following the asset – and allow them to do so if they're not.
Select the appropriate header row type for your page:
The image above shows a Team hero row selection in Presentation Manager, toggled to display the asset's Sport and Country.
Below you can see how this would appear on a tablet to a user who's logged in and is following the team.
Note that the asset short description seen above won't display on mobile devices.
2. Select the body rows
Several row types are available for you to choose from when building the body of your page. Some are specifically designed to showcase a particular type of asset (for example, events), and you can use a variety of different orientations to populate the page:
For a breakdown of all the row types available for team and persona pages, and examples of how these appear across the different apps, see our pages and supporting rows article.
3. Choose which lists to display
Use list rules to ensure page rows are always kept up to date with the latest content.
Our list rules article has more information on how this feature helps you dynamically manage your lists, but we’ve outlined some quick suggestions below to get you started.
Visit our lists - advanced view article for additional list filter options available through the advanced view.
You have the option to display live, upcoming, and/or past events that the team or athlete is involved in. By combining any of the parameters below, the same list could contain events with all of these statuses, ordered by start time.
AXIS 9.7 introduces the Event Timeframe parameter, which simplifies the definition of event list rules. It replaces the Event Start Date and Event End Date parameters available in earlier versions, but operates in the same way, allowing you to filter events to display in your lists with an enhanced level of granularity.
These examples require the following asset relations to be predefined:
- Team/Persona → Event (asset relation display name used in the example = Events)
- Stage → Event (to allow events to be filtered by stage, if relevant)
To show live events, we suggest the following list rule definition:
- [Item type] is [Event] – this is what you want to display in the list.
- [Has Relation] to [Path item] [id] of type [Events] – the path item is the team or persona asset that you're creating the page for. The id is taken from the page id. The ‘of type’ selection is the display name for the asset relation created between Team or Persona, and Event assets (shown above).
- [Event Timeframe] is [On now] – the timeframe selection ensures that your list filters on live events.
This is how the rule will look, with a sort order applied to show the earliest events first.
For upcoming events:
- [Item type] is [Event]
- [Has Relation] to [Path item] [id] of type [Events]
- [Event Timeframe] [Start time] is [Within the next] Days: [x] Hours: [x]
- Sort [Event start date (ascending)] to show the soonest events first
For past events:
- [Item type] is [Event]
- [Has Relation] to [Path item] [id] of type [Events]
- [Event Timeframe] [End time] is [Within the previous] Days: [x] Hours: [x]
- Sort [Event start date (descending)] to show the most recently finished events first
You can also define your upcoming events list rule by events due to start in a specified number of days or hours, as shown below. In versions prior to AXIS 9.7 the same result is achieved using the [Event Start Date] [Less Than] [Now and limited to] Days [x] Hours [x]
- [Item type] is [Event]
- [Event Timeframe] is [Within the next] Days: [x] Hours: [x]
- Sort [Event start date (ascending)] to show the soonest events first
The example below shows a list rule configured to display events due to start within the next 7 days. The list would be automatically refreshed with new content as events moved into the 7-day window, and other events transitioned out of it.
Program clips
Display clips of programs the team or athlete is involved in – for example, highlights, interviews or replays.
- Required asset relation: Team/Persona → Program (example display name: Clips)
List rule definition:
- [Item type] is [Program]
- [Has Relation] to [Path item] [id] of type [Clips]
- Sort [Date added (newest)] to show the most recently added clips first
On a Persona page, display teams (club/country) that the athlete is associated with.
- Required asset relation: Team → Persona (example display name: Personas)
Here, the list rule definition would be:
- [Item type] is [Team]
- [Has Relation] to [Path item] [id] of type [Personas]
For more information on this and other changes benefiting both sport and entertainment customers, check out the 9.2 platform release notes.