This article provides details of the additional list filter options that are available through the Advanced view. For information on how to add filters using the Standard list view, see our Creating and managing lists and Using list rules articles.
Use the links below to jump to a specific section, or read on to find out more.
- What is the Advanced view?
- What options does the Advanced view give me?
- Which list filters can I use?
- Can I preview my Advanced view list?
- Related articles
What is the Advanced view?
The Advanced view page provides a view of the XML code behind your lists. You can add, modify and delete rules and filters in this view, and use it to apply more refined list filtering than may be available in the Standard view.
Toggle between the Advanced and Standard list views by clicking on the view name near the top of the page on the right-hand side.
Note: Take care when making changes in the Advanced view to avoid introducing errors into your list filter. We recommend this view is only used by those comfortable working with XML code.
What options does the Advanced view give me?
As mentioned above, as well as giving you a view of the XML behind a list generated in the Standard view, the Advanced view provides additional functionality to add to or modify that list. You can:
- Extend or modify list filters
- Change the maximum no. of items retrieved
- Change how the list is sorted
- Apply global filters
- Insert an XML sample
Extend or modify list filters
The Advanced view page is split into two sections: Rules and Global filters. The Rules section is where the XML for your list is displayed, whether it's manually curated, driven by list rules, or a combination of both. This field is indicated as mandatory, as some rules must be in place for the list to exist.
You can modify this XML to include more detailed list filters, change the maximum number of entries, or sort the list based on additional fields. You can find more information on these options later in this article.
Expand the accordion for an example of the XML rules layout in Advanced view, showing how and where it can be modified.
<!-- filter type -->
<!-- another filter... -->
<!-- another entry... -->
Change the maximum no. of items retrieved
You can set the maximum number of items to be retrieved in the list by entering relevant values for start_index and end_index. The index starts with 0.
Max items | XML | Preview in Presentation Manager |
50 |
<start_index>0</start_index> |
300 |
<start_index>0</start_index> |
Unlimited |
Change how the list is sorted
You can change the sort direction as well as the field types used to drive the sort order – e.g. to sort the list by episode or season number.
Available sort directions:
- Ascending
- Descending
Supported field types:
CreatedDate, CreationDate, EpisodeNumber, EventDate, EventEndDate, EventStartDate, FirstBroadcastDate, ItemID, ItemName, ItemStatus, ItemType, MaximumOfferEnd, MinimumOfferStart, ModificationDate, ModifiedDate, NumberOfEpisodes, NumberOfSeasons, OfferMinStartDate, ReleaseDate, SeasonNumber, SequenceNumber, Title.
Apply Global Filters
You can apply a global filter to your list in Advanced view. This is a rule that you want to apply to all items defined in the Rules section – for example, if you want to specify a particular genre, asset type, or date range as an overarching parameter for the whole list.
The global filter will be a fragment of the XML code with the global rule defined within it. Enter the required XML into the Global Filters field.
When you return to the Standard view, a message is displayed to highlight the fact that a global filter has been applied to the list. Global filters can only be viewed and managed in the Advanced view – they're not represented in the list preview, or in the Standard view list rule definition.
Insert an XML sample
The Insert sample selector can be used to apply a predefined XML code set created by your development team to your list. Be aware that this will modify or overwrite your existing list code.
Click on Insert sample in the top right-hand side of the page to select a sample to apply. In the example below there are four preset filters available to be selected.
If you choose to apply sample code, you'll see a message asking you to confirm the overwrite. Click on Yes, continue to immediately replace the current filters with the new code and use this to drive your list. Otherwise, click Cancel.
Once you've applied a code sample you'll need to re-save the list to see an updated list preview in Standard view.
Which list filters can I use?
These sections contain examples of the available list filter types and show supported field types, operators, and formats. Where applicable the example also shows the same filter using Standard view parameters.
Multi-value filters allow you to build up detailed rules for list display using multiple field values.
Supported operators:
These operators can be used to define a multi-value filter. You can see examples of their use in the table below:
- Or
- And
- OrNot
- AndNot
Supported field types:
These fields can be used and combined to define multi-value filters:
Badge, BadgeTag, Category, CategoryTag, Credit, CreditMember, DealID, DistributorID, EpisodeNumber, EventDate, FileCustomID, FilePlaceholder, FileState, FileTypeID, Genre, GenreTag, InstantiatedOfferTemplateID, ItemID, ItemCustomID, ItemName, ItemStatus, ItemSubType, ItemSubTypeID, ItemType, ItemTypeID, ItemUaID, Keyword, KeywordTag, OfferName, OfferState, OfferTag, OfferTemplateID, OwnershipType, ParentIAID, PriceID, RatingCode, RatingID, RatingSystemCode, RatingSystemID, SeasonID, SeasonNumber, SeasonPriceID, ShowID, Sport, SportTag, Title.
No. | Filter description | Example |
1. |
ItemID ItemID can be used to directly add a specific asset to a list. Here, the value 6337 is the item ID for the movie asset King Kong. |
<multi_value_filter> |
2. |
ItemType is This filter uses ItemType to filter the list to display Movie assets. |
<multi_value_filter> |
2a. |
ItemType is not This filter uses ItemType to filter the list to display assets other than Movie. |
3. |
ItemSubType This list filters on ItemSubType to display any assets with the sub-type of Preview. |
<multi_value_filter> |
4. |
Sport is This list filters on the Sport metadata field. It will include any assets with American Football selected. |
<multi_value_filter> |
4a. |
Sport is not This list filters on the Sport metadata field. It will not include any assets with American Football selected. |
5. |
Category is This list filters on the internal Categories property to include any assets with either Competition or Confederation defined as a value. |
<multi_value_filter> |
5a. |
Category is not This list filters on the internal Categories property to not include any assets with either Competition or Confederation defined as a value. |
6. |
Credit (Cast & Crew) is This example filters on the Cast and Crew metadata fields. Any name entered as a (free text) value will be used to filter and display assets with a matching cast or crew member name. |
<multi_value_filter> |
6a. |
Credit (Cast & Crew) is not This example filters on the Cast and Crew metadata fields. Any name entered as a (free text) value will be excluded from the filter. Cast or crew member names that don't match the filter are displayed. |
7. |
Keyword is This list filters on keyword. The use of the Or operator means it will include any assets with the keyword 'based on a novel' and any with the keyword '60s'. |
<multi_value_filter> |
7a. |
Keyword is not This list filters on keyword. The use of the OrNot operator means it will exclude any assets with the keyword 'based on a novel' and any with the keyword '60s'. |
8. |
Distributor is This example filters on DistributorID to include assets associated with a specific distributor. Here the value '254' is the DistributorID for Sample Distributor. |
<multi_value_filter> |
8a. |
Distributor is not This example filters on DistributorID to exclude assets associated with a specific distributor. Here the value '254' is the DistributorID for Sample Distributor. |
9. |
Genre, Or (is) This list filters on the Genre asset metadata field. It will include assets with the genre Action and assets with the genre Adventure selected. |
10. |
Genre, And In this example, the Genre metadata field is used with the And operator. The list will be filtered to include any assets with both Action and Crime selected as a genre. If an asset's genre is only Action or only Crime, it won't be displayed. |
<multi_value_filter> |
11. |
Genre, AndNot This example uses the Genre metadata field with the AndNot operator. The list will be filtered to exclude any asset with both Action and Crime selected. If an asset's genre is only Action or only Crime, it will be displayed. |
<multi_value_filter> |
12. |
Genre, OrNot This example uses the Genre metadata field with the OrNot operator. The list will be filtered to exclude any assets with either Action or Crime selected as a genre. Assets with any other genre will be included. |
<multi_value_filter> |
String filters allow you to filter your list content based on a matching sequence of characters, e.g., to display assets where the selected field value starts or ends with a particular word.
Supported operators:
- Contains
- StartsWith
- EndsWith
- Equals
- NotEquals
- NotNull
Supported field types:
ItemCustomID, ItemID, ItemName, ItemType, ItemTypeID, LongDescription, ParentIAID, RatingCode, RatingSystemCode, ShortDescription, ShortTitle, Tagline, Title.
Note: Tagline, ShortDescription, ShortTitle, and LongDescription are not supported by list preview.
No. | Filter description | Example |
1. |
Title, StartsWith This example uses the Title field and the StartsWith operator to filter the list to include any assets with a title that starts with the word Tomb. |
<string_filter> |
Numeric filters allow you to filter your list content based on field types that use numeric values.
Supported operators:
- Equals
- GreaterThan
- LessThan
- GreaterThanOrEqual
- LessThanOrEqual
- NotEqualTo
Supported field types:
EpisodeNumber, ItemID, ParentIAID, RatingCode, ReleaseYear, SeasonNumber.
No. | Filter description | Example |
1. |
ReleaseYear, LessThan This example uses ReleaseYear and the LessThan operator to filter the list to include any assets with a release year earlier than 2010. |
<numeric_filter> |
Relative Date filters allow you to filter list content based on...
Supported Operators:
- Equals
- GreaterThan
- LessThan
- GreaterThanOrEqual
- LessThanOrEqual
- NotEqualTo
Supported Relative To operators
- Today
- Now
Supported field types:
ContractEndDate, ContractStartDate, CreatedDate, CreationDate, MaximumOfferEnd, MinimumOfferStart, ModificationDate, ModifiedDate, OfferMinStartDate, OfferTemplateEndTime, OfferTemplateStartTime.
Note: MaximumOfferEnd and MinimumOfferStart are not supported by list preview.
Date Time value conversion
Format: P{days}DT{hours}H
- 100 days = P100D
- 10 days 5 hours = P10DT5H
- Now without days and hours = PT0S
- Add "-" prefix if field type = OfferMinStartDate. E.g. 30 days = -P30D
No. | Filter description | Example |
1. |
MaximumOfferEnd, LessThan, Now This example filters on MaximumOfferEnd with the LessThan and Now operators. The list will include any assets with an offer that's set to expire in less than 100 days. |
<relative_date_filter> |
2. |
OfferMinStartDate, GreaterThanOrEqual, Now This example filters on OfferMinStartDate with the GreaterThanOrEqual operator. The list will include any assets with offers that started within the last 30 days. |
Note: New Event timeframe filter UI introduced as part of AXIS 9.7, replacing the Event Start Date and Event End Date options:
1. Events that are on right now.
AXIS 9.7:
AXIS <=9.6:
2. Events that are upcoming in the next week.
AXIS 9.7:
AXIS <=9.6:
3. Events that are in the previous week.
AXIS 9.7:
AXIS <=9.6 not supported.
4. Events that are playing between two dates.
AXIS 9.7:
AXIS <=9.6:
5. Events that start after defined date and time.
AXIS 9.7:
AXIS <=9.6:
6. Events that start before defined date and time.
AXIS 9.7:
AXIS <=9.6:
7. Events with a start time that is more than the days/hours value beyond the current time (now).
AXIS 9.7:
AXIS <=9.6:
8. Events with an end time that is less than the days/hours value beyond the current time (now).
AXIS 9.7:
AXIS <=9.6:
9. Events with a start time that is less than the days/hours value prior to the current time (now).
AXIS 9.7:
AXIS <=9.6 not supported
10. Events with a start time that is more than the current time (now).
AXIS 9.7:
AXIS <=9.6:
Absolute Date filters allow you to create filters based on a precise date and time.
Supported operators:
- Equals
- GreaterThan
- LessThan
- GreaterThanOrEqual
- LessThanOrEqual
- NotEqualTo
Supported field types:
ContractEndDate, ContractStartDate, CreatedDate, CreationDate, EventDate, EventEndDate, EventStartDate, MaximumOfferEnd, MinimumOfferStart, ModificationDate, ModifiedDate, OfferMinStartDate, OfferTemplateEndTime, OfferTemplateStartTime.
Note: MaximumOfferEnd and MinimumOfferStart are not supported by list preview.
Date format:
The date value is in UTC ISO 8601 format.
14 Nov 2019, 12:55:31 AM = 2019-11-14T00:55:31.820Z
No. | Filter description | Example |
1. |
EventStartDate, GreaterThan This example filters on EventStartDate, using the GreaterThan operator to display any events starting after 10:15 pm on October 25th, 2022. |
<absolute_date_filter> |
OfferMinStartDate, GreaterThanOrEqual In this example, the list filter will include assets with an offer start date of 10:30 am on January 12th, 2021, or later. |
Related filters allow you to use asset relations to determine list content. These rules rely on relations having already been set up between the relevant asset types. Find out how to create and manage asset relations.
No. | Filter description | Example |
1. |
{ProfileFollows} This example uses ProfileFollows to include items with the asset relation key Confederation or Competition that are related to items followed by the user profile. |
<related_filter> |
2. |
Path [id} This example filters the list to include items with the asset relation key event or stage that are related to the specified path (page) ID. |
3. |
Selected ItemID In this example, the list will be filtered to include items with the asset relation key 'Bonus content' or 'Trailer' that are related to the itemID 2098 (the movie Tomb Raider). |
This filter type can accept any value passed to it from the client side via a parameterized filter. The parameter name is surrounded by {curly braces}.
No. | Filter description | Example |
1. |
Genre In this example, Genre is passed through as a value. |
<multi_value_filter> |
Can I preview my Advanced view list?
Once you've created your list filters in Advanced view, you can return to Standard view to see a preview of your list.
The exception to this is if the field types used in your filter are not supported by the list preview (although they are supported by the API). In these cases, you'll see a Preview Unavailable message. Unsupported fields are noted in the relevant filter sections above.
The list preview will also be unavailable if an invalid field type has been included in the filter.